Modelling and software
Creating of computerized models of biological objects with the development of software components. The main direction is development and application of computer simulation of biological processes in medicine and industry (oxygen/nutrient/hormone transfer at different diseases; Sewage treatment; Biogas technology; tissue engineering, biomaterials/cell interaction etc.)
In particular the following methods are used for modeling: 1. Finite difference method for solving boundary value problems (PDEs). 2. Hooke-Jeeves method in multidimensional optimization of objective function. 3. Runge-Kutt, Runge-Kutt-Merson and Gere methods for solving Cauchy problem for a single ODE or ODE system. 4.Gauss, Zeidel methods and relaxation for solving linear algebraic equations, and special techniques for linear algebraic equation with symmetric or band matrix coefficients. 5.Tikhonov regularization method for solving inverse problems. etc.

diabetes and transplantation
Parameters of carbohydrate metabolism (and implanted cells properties) in patients with diabetes with/without beta-cell transplantat can be simulated with the help of elaborated computerized model. This program takes into account 56 parameters. These are time, type and amount of injected insuline; times and amount of carbohydrates inputs with food; amount of different islet cell kinds in the implant; their kinetic viability depending on macro (micro-) capsule permeability etc. Program could give essential recommendations concerning insulin therapy and diet optimization (including postimplantation organism adaptation), as well as desired features of an implant for a real patient.

sewage treatment and biogas technology

3D cell/tissue development
In this case we deal with modelling of tissue engineered constructions and identification of functionally important conditions of their homeostasis.
As an example the simulation of osteogenic tissue development in vitro and in vivo using the elaborated program is presented here. The program gives the possibility of spatial and temporal description of cell proliferation and bone maturation in porous Scaffold (in vitro or in vivo). It also gives the possibility of experimental data treatment defining what osteogenic tissue development parameters and mechanical properties of the system can be expected.

materials magnetization
Biogas release during anaerobic treatment of sewage is a promising technology for obtaining alternative energy sources.
Simulation of methane production in laboratory plant of waste treatment was realized with the use of two-stage approach. Model of Lubenova V. et.al. (2002).
Program takes into account digestion of biomass with the help of two microbial lines and describes 6 stages of intermedial products transformation.
The software for optimized model of object magnetization with magnetic nanoparticles have been elaborated. Prediction of different size objects (e.g. cells, scaffold) magnetization parameters can be realized. Simulation results in a good agreement with experimental data. The solution for inverse problem of magnetic granulometry is proposed.
<meta name="keywords" content="free of charge cytotoxicity assay">
<meta name="keywords" content="cytotoxicity">
<title>free of charge cytotoxicity assay</title>
<title> cytotoxicity </title>
<"h1 class="describe">free of charge cytotoxicity</h1>
<"h1 class="describe"> cytotoxicity </h1>
<meta name="keywords" content="free of charge cytotoxicity">
<meta name="keywords" content=" cytotoxicity ">
<title>free of charge cytotoxicity</title>
<title> cytotoxicity </title>
<"h1 class="describe">free of charge cytotoxicity</h1>
<"h1 class="describe"> cytotoxicity </h1>