Chiara Dionigi, Lisa Lungaro, Vitaly Goranov, Alberto Riminucci, Yolanda Piñeiro-Redondo, Manuel Bañobre-López, José Rivas, Valentin Dediu: Smart magnetic poly(\(\(N-isopropylacrylamide) to control the release of bio-active molecules.. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine 01/2014.
A V Prochorov, V V Roudenok, V A Goranov: Histological study of macroencapsulation of pancreatic islet cells after transplantation into the bloodstream.. Transplantation Proceedings 01/2006; 37(10):4446-8.
A Makhaniok, Y Haranava, V Goranov, S Panseri, S Semerikhina, A Russo, M Marcacci, V Dediu: In silico prediction of the cell proliferation in porous scaffold using model of effective pore.. Bio Systems 10/2013;
A V Prochorov, S I Tretjak, V V Roudenok, V A Goranov: Long-term normalization of diabetes mellitus after xenotransplantation of fetal pancreatic islet cells into the blood stream without immunosuppresive therapy.. Transplantation Proceedings 12/2004; 36(9):2855-6.
N Bock, A Riminucci, C Dionigi, A Russo, A Tampieri, E Landi, V A Goranov, M Marcacci, V Dediu: A novel route in bone tissue engineering: magnetic biomimetic scaffolds.. Acta biomaterialia 09/2009; 6(3):786-96.
A V Prochorov, S I Tretjak, V A Goranov, A A Glinnik, M V Goltsev: Treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with intravascular transplantation of pancreatic islet cells without immunosuppressive therapy.. Advances in Medical Sciences 02/2008; 53(2):240-4.
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Shakhbazau A. V., Zgurskaya N. A., Gleb S. P., Haranava Y. A., Khadasouskaya A. V., Kartel N. A., Goranov V. A: Expression of membrane complement inhibition factor CD59 in bicistronic cassette.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Belarus. 01/2006; 50:5.
Vitaly Goranov, Haranava Yu. A.: Some aspects of pancreatic beta-cells resistance.. V. OF THE FOUNDATION FOR FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH. 01/2006; 2(36):149-159.
Kvacheva Z.В, Poleschuk N.N., Goranov V.A., Lobanok E.S., Kapitulec S.P., Kapitulec N.N., Rubanik L.Y.: Astroglial response and apoptosis development in scrapie model in vivo and in vitro.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 01/2004;
Vitaly Goranov, Mokhort T.V.: Role of apoptosis in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus development.. problems of endocrinology. 01/2000; 2:8-13.
Vitaly Goranov, S.B Melnov, T.V Mokhort: Markers of destruction of β-cells and apoptotic lymphocytes precomitation in IDDM patients. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 01/2000; 100(3):171.
P Murzenok, V Goranov: Do local immune-neuroendocrine disturbances initiate diabetes?. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 04/1999; 77(3):147-55.
T. V. Mokhort, Vitaly A. Goranov, P. B. Mitskevich, Z. V. Zaborovskaya, P. P. Murzenok: The influence of interleukin-1 and streptozotocin on survival of Langerhans islet cells in vitro.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 03/1999; 3:104-106.
Andrei Soldatov, Edward Shpilevsky, Vitaliy Goranov, Vladimir Kulchitsky, Floriana Tuna: The C60(FeCp2)2-Based Cell Proliferation Accelerator. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 04/2013;
Oleg Smorygo, Viktoria Krasilnikova, Yuri Vialiuha, Vitaly Goranov, Yuri Kovalenko, Larisa Tsedik: Integrated Motile Orbital Implants Based on Ceramic Foam Scaffolds: Preparation and In Vivo Study. Journal of Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 05/2012;
V.A.Goranov, S.I.Tret’yak, V.Ya.Khryshchanovich, Haranava Y: Preparation of the thyrocyte culture from rabbit fetal thyroid gland in vitro for xenotransplantation. Medical journal of Bel. University. 10/2011;
Kharlamova A. N., Khryshchanovich V., Tretyak S. I., Goranov V. A.: Optimization of human parathyroid cells isolation.. Proc. of the Natl. Academy of science belarus. 03/2011; 3:68 - 72.
Kashevski B.E., Goranov V.A., Zholud A.M., Prohorov A.V.: Magnetic sorting of beta-cells.. proceeding of NAN Belarus. 01/2009; 2(53):69 - 71.
Shakhbazum A. V., Zgurskaya N. A., Kartel N. A., Goranov V. A.: Non-viral transgene delivery into primary rat neuronal and pancreatic tissues. Proc. of the Natl. Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 03/2008; 3:40-43.